Show Up To Get Better Agreements

The world is made of agreements.

Governments, corporations, and even families come together because of agreements. These agreements result in seemingly permanent systems, institutions or phenomena, such as business transactions, legal systems, education institutions and even marriage.

Politicians speak to the masses and gain their positions of power. People share their problems or desires and form a business partnership. Couples fall in love and agree to marry.

An agreement occurs when people involved in a situation comes to the same opinion or decision, which results in an arrangement or a contract. Agreements can only come from conversations. People come into conversations because they are part of a relationship, whether personal or professional.

To change the world, you need to be part of the conversations that form agreements. This means connecting and building relationships with the right people and consistently showing up in discussions. Many agreements are made without the vulnerable population, such as children, women and the elderly, and marginalised communities.

Start showing up. Listen to various perspectives. Speak up on things that matter to you.

Inspired by Kasia Urbaniak's Unbound: A Woman's Guide to Power