
Ling Ling offers intercultural psychology services such as giving talks and facilitating workshops the psychology of intercultural relations and social sustainability.

Photo by Jan Canty / Unsplash

What are you looking for?

Social Sustainability

Money makes the world go round - a quote that existed for aeons. In reality, money is just pieces of metal or paper or digits on a screen.

We can no longer ignore the most critical asset. PEOPLE work in factories and companies, consume products and services, and suffer from conflict, climate change and social inequality. is time to recognise that PEOPLE make the world go round.

Social sustainability is about identifying and managing business impacts, both positive and negative, on people. - UN Global Compact

With increasing social inequality and climate change, social sustainability must be prioritised. Challenging as it may be, we need to start somewhere.

We offer various workshops and talks for teams and leaders in human resources, management, government, civil society organisations, and non-profit organisations. These workshops and talks aim to cultivate psychologically safe, compassionate and inclusive communities and workplaces by increasing awareness, improving skills, and offering practical strategies and applications.

These workshops and talks can be delivered virtually or in person.

  • Making Conscious Unconscious Bias
  • Cultural Intelligence Essentials
  • Discover Your Cultural Values
  • Cultivating Psychological Safety

Alternatively, if you're looking for a customised workshop or talk, drop a note or schedule a quick chat.

Online Micro-Courses

Learning should not be a one-time event. Neither should it be limited to a specific time and space. Learning should be open and easily accessible to anyone who wishes to quench their curiosity and strive for personal growth.

Culture Spark Global is an online micro-courses platform with a collection of micro-courses on Social Sustainability. With a subscription, you can access all courses anytime and on any device with a web browser.