Ghosting Hurts. Make An Empowered Exit Instead.

Ghosting is digital disappearance, silence on the chat. It is a phenomenon that evolved alongside online dating and remote working.

Ghosting is the easy way out. No justification is needed. No awkward conversation. No need to deal with uncomfortable emotions. Remain silent till they eventually get it.

It is normal for relationships not to work out, as people have different expectations. If expectations are not met, it's fair to call it a day and move on.

With ghosting, people miss the opportunity to learn and grow. An empowered exit can help everyone to become better people.

To make an empowered exit, first, have some self-compassion. Don't blame yourself or external circumstances. Don't feel guilty. Accept the situation as it is.

Express appreciation to the person you are letting go. They deserve to know how they have changed your life and how much they mean to you.

Share your truth about the relationship. Don't justify or overshare, as it may cause more pain or confusion. Acknowledge what has and hasn't worked.

Finally, give time and space to the other. Each person deals with letting go differently.

When the time is right, say goodbye.