All Advice Is Opinion

When approached with a problem, people give advice. Based on acquired knowledge and past experiences, the advice-giver shares their recommendations.
But, advice can be mistaken as universal. Often, advice-seekers become disappointed when the guidance does not work. Instead, the advice-giver is blamed for their failure.

Every person leads unique lives; even twins are not alike.

Knowledge gathered and selected is based on one's personality and personal interests. At a party, a sociable person is focused on the people. A detailed person is concerned with the decor or its organisation.

Also, experiences differ across time and environment. A child-birth in the 50s will differ from child-birth in the 21st century. A funeral in India will differ from a funeral in Australia.

Therefore, knowledge is incomplete or out-dated and experiences may not be relevant. A piece of advice may not accurately nor equally apply to the advice-seeker.

Instead, advice is opinion. Opinions are a person's view, judgement or evaluation of a particular issue. An opinion is not universal nor absolute. The advice-seeker will need to discern if an opinion is applicable or relevant.

Better to give an opinion than to be blamed for inaccurate advice.